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Shellaine Godbold and Jonathan Webster
For Intersections each artist has used the primacy of drawing to understand and make sense of this space. Jon and Shellaine’s work is a dialogue of marks – their own unique syllabary they use to communicate to each other with.


Intersections is a new body of work from Jonathan Webster and Shellaine Godbold that examines and explores the connection and division of shared places and spaces.  Taipei has become a shared place for Jon and Shellaine, though each artist has a different understanding and approach to their connection to the city.  

The works in Intersections are responses to selected photographs which were taken by Jon as part of his continued project of recording and understanding the minutiae of his life in Taipei.  For Shellaine the photographs are a memory sense device - recollections of the smell of incense at Longshan Temple and the sound of rain at night on the eaves of an illegal Taipei apartment, exploring the space between what is remembered and an anecdote that begins to hold itself as a memory.

Jon’s work maps the intersections between architecture, atmospheric conditions and public spaces. Marks are laid down on paper to suggest the shimmer of a building coalescing out of the mist and rain – an urban Fata Morgana.  Jon uses subtle watercolour washes to mimic the reflections of market stall lights reflected on puddles in Taipei streets.  

For Intersections each artist has used the primacy of drawing to understand and make sense of this space. Jon and Shellaine’s work is a dialogue of marks – their own unique syllabary they use to communicate to each other with.

Shellaine Godbold is an Australian visual artist based in Canberra whose primary practice focuses on using drawing as a means of making sense of her world.  Shellaine has undertaken international residencies throughout south-east Asia and held solo exhibitions in Australia, Ireland, Japan and Taiwan.  The works that she creates are informed by her experiences in unfamiliar landscapes and cultures, underpinned by a devotion to the drawing process in its varied forms.

Jonathan Webster is an emerging artist based in Taipei. He studied at the ANU School of Art Painting Department, graduating in 2010 with first class honours, and received his Masters of Arts in 2016 from the National Taiwan University of Arts.  While still working primarily with painting, these days sculpture, photography and installation have become a significant part of his practice. He has worked under three residency programs, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in multiple group and solo shows. Jon’s current research centers on a walk across Taiwan, and is aimed at examining how art has been used to define a national identity in Taiwan.

Intersections is a new body of work from Jonathan Webster and Shellaine Godbold that examines and explores the connection and division of shared places and spaces.  Taipei has become a shared place for Jon and Shellaine, though each artist has a different understanding and approach to their connection to the city.  

The works in Intersections are responses to selected photographs which were taken by Jon as part of his continued project of recording and understanding the minutiae of his life in Taipei.  For Shellaine the photographs are a memory sense device - recollections of the smell of incense at Longshan Temple and the sound of rain at night on the eaves of an illegal Taipei apartment, exploring the space between what is remembered and an anecdote that begins to hold itself as a memory.

Jon’s work maps the intersections between architecture, atmospheric conditions and public spaces. Marks are laid down on paper to suggest the shimmer of a building coalescing out of the mist and rain – an urban Fata Morgana.  Jon uses subtle watercolour washes to mimic the reflections of market stall lights reflected on puddles in Taipei streets.  

For Intersections each artist has used the primacy of drawing to understand and make sense of this space. Jon and Shellaine’s work is a dialogue of marks – their own unique syllabary they use to communicate to each other with.

Shellaine Godbold is an Australian visual artist based in Canberra whose primary practice focuses on using drawing as a means of making sense of her world.  Shellaine has undertaken international residencies throughout south-east Asia and held solo exhibitions in Australia, Ireland, Japan and Taiwan.  The works that she creates are informed by her experiences in unfamiliar landscapes and cultures, underpinned by a devotion to the drawing process in its varied forms.

Jonathan Webster is an emerging artist based in Taipei. He studied at the ANU School of Art Painting Department, graduating in 2010 with first class honours, and received his Masters of Arts in 2016 from the National Taiwan University of Arts.  While still working primarily with painting, these days sculpture, photography and installation have become a significant part of his practice. He has worked under three residency programs, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in multiple group and solo shows. Jon’s current research centers on a walk across Taiwan, and is aimed at examining how art has been used to define a national identity in Taiwan.


Shellaine Godbold, Flower Fire, 2018, Pencil and watercolour on paper, 30 x 25cm

Shellaine Godbold, A walk in Jonghe, 2018, Watercolour and pencil on Japanese board, 10 x 15cm

Shellaine Godbold, Guanyin's breath, 2018, Ink on carved panel, 20cm diameter

Shellaine Godbold, There is nothing to fear from this mountain, 2018, Watercolour, ink on carved ply, 60 x 60cm

Jonathan Webster, Festival Litter 2018, Coloured pencil on paper, 35 x 54 cm

Jonathan Webster, Character Practice Series II, 2018, Pen and paint on paper, 14.5 x 21cm

Jonathan Webster, Character Practice Series, 2018, Pencil and paint, 14.5 x 21cm

Jonathan Webster, I Can't See Far Unless It Rains, 2018, Colour pencil and acrylic on paper, 35 x 54cm


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