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Love Letter: Represented

Curated by Yves Lee
Josiah Wesley Yu, Tanya Reinli, Guy Morgan, Gillian Kayrooz, Eleni Tsomis and Clara Cheong.


Different language, different part of the world,different universe, yet through art we can communicate, like a ‘Love Letter’.

The Love Letter has beenan exhibition series that has provided a platform for many artists at differentstages of their career for the last 4 years. Founded in 2014 by our curatorYves Lee. She fell in love and was inspired by a group of 2nd yearSculpture students from Sydney College of the Arts, her cohort. Today it hasexpanded beyond its original crowd.

Starting the Love Letterwas because our founder and curator has fallen in love with her people,continuing it is her way of saying, ‘I will always love you.’ It’s a promise, acommitment. It is big love and she brings this love into the curatorialcontext.

Each year the Love Lettercomes up with a new theme and does a callout to look for new artists and worksto exhibit at their annual exhibition. Since 2017, the Love Letter has started to represent artists and brings themoverseas. This November at Gaffa, bringing together selected artists from 2017 Love Letter: Be With You and 2018 Love Letter: I do.

The Love Letter presents to you, Love Letter: Represented.

Each and every one of these artists will be making their way to HongKong in 2019. At Love Letter: Represented,Josiah Wesley Yu, Tanya Reinli, Guy Morgan, Gillian Kayrooz, Eleni Tsomis andClara Cheong will be showing work that they believe best represents them asartists.

“The LoveLetter makes me visible.” - Tanya Reinli

Different language, different part of the world,different universe, yet through art we can communicate, like a ‘Love Letter’.

The Love Letter has beenan exhibition series that has provided a platform for many artists at differentstages of their career for the last 4 years. Founded in 2014 by our curatorYves Lee. She fell in love and was inspired by a group of 2nd yearSculpture students from Sydney College of the Arts, her cohort. Today it hasexpanded beyond its original crowd.

Starting the Love Letterwas because our founder and curator has fallen in love with her people,continuing it is her way of saying, ‘I will always love you.’ It’s a promise, acommitment. It is big love and she brings this love into the curatorialcontext.

Each year the Love Lettercomes up with a new theme and does a callout to look for new artists and worksto exhibit at their annual exhibition. Since 2017, the Love Letter has started to represent artists and brings themoverseas. This November at Gaffa, bringing together selected artists from 2017 Love Letter: Be With You and 2018 Love Letter: I do.

The Love Letter presents to you, Love Letter: Represented.

Each and every one of these artists will be making their way to HongKong in 2019. At Love Letter: Represented,Josiah Wesley Yu, Tanya Reinli, Guy Morgan, Gillian Kayrooz, Eleni Tsomis andClara Cheong will be showing work that they believe best represents them asartists.

“The LoveLetter makes me visible.” - Tanya Reinli


Josiah Wesley Yu, The Planet Doesn’t HaveTime For This, 2018, Latex Print

Guy Morgan, Lagoon Nebula, 2018, Oil on Canvas, 12 Panels (each 40.5cm x 40.5cm)

Gillian Kayrooz, LMNL, 2018, Video & 2 Acrylic Frames Photos

Tanya Reinli, Game Over, 2018, Wood & Glass, 215 x 110 cm

Da Claong, In, 2018, Oil on Canvas, 94.5 x 125.5 cm

Clache Raong, Jalan Sentul, 2018, Video Still


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