Made by is a short, accessible documentary series that follows a small jewellery community working out of Gaffa Creative Precinct’s shared studios in Sydney’s CBD.
Made by is a short, accessible documentary series that follows a small jewellery community working out of Gaffa Creative Precinct’s shared studios in Sydney’s CBD. Presented in an exhibition format at Gaffa Gallery, the series delves into the practices of six jewellers dedicated to contemporary hand made design.
Each episode looks into a different jeweller’s perceptions on their craft-based practices. Featured in the series are Felkin Jewellery, Stephanie Said, Erin Timony, Mia Chicco, Daniel Capp and Melanie Ihnen.
The design processes of these jewellers are discussed throughout the series with an underlying theme of sustainability. Explored within are their ideas for designing high-quality jewellery with regard to the future life of the materials. They reflect upon why it is important to know where their materials have been sourced from and who made it.
Their production methods are explored throughout the series. The designers have built their businesses around working closely with their customers to create bespoke pieces. Each jeweller shares his or her experiences on co-designing with the customer. This collaboration includes re-using, recycling and re-purposing old jewellery to give each piece a new life.
The jewellers also discuss their distribution methods running small collections and working with boutique stores. Turning away from mass production they have each found their unique way to ensure each piece is made to order or run in small, considered collections. They discuss their situation within their markets that reflect the value of their craftsmanship.
A free to public opening event will be held to meet the jewellery community at Gaffa Creative Precinct. Their studios will be unlocked and workshops open the public. The open studios provides an opportunity to discuss their practices and engage in further discussions surrounding their experiences. Made By’s documentaries and event seeks to provide an accessible insight into Gaffa Creative Precinct’s Jewellery community dedicated to hand-made craft and design.
Made by is a short, accessible documentary series that follows a small jewellery community working out of Gaffa Creative Precinct’s shared studios in Sydney’s CBD. Presented in an exhibition format at Gaffa Gallery, the series delves into the practices of six jewellers dedicated to contemporary hand made design.
Each episode looks into a different jeweller’s perceptions on their craft-based practices. Featured in the series are Felkin Jewellery, Stephanie Said, Erin Timony, Mia Chicco, Daniel Capp and Melanie Ihnen.
The design processes of these jewellers are discussed throughout the series with an underlying theme of sustainability. Explored within are their ideas for designing high-quality jewellery with regard to the future life of the materials. They reflect upon why it is important to know where their materials have been sourced from and who made it.
Their production methods are explored throughout the series. The designers have built their businesses around working closely with their customers to create bespoke pieces. Each jeweller shares his or her experiences on co-designing with the customer. This collaboration includes re-using, recycling and re-purposing old jewellery to give each piece a new life.
The jewellers also discuss their distribution methods running small collections and working with boutique stores. Turning away from mass production they have each found their unique way to ensure each piece is made to order or run in small, considered collections. They discuss their situation within their markets that reflect the value of their craftsmanship.
A free to public opening event will be held to meet the jewellery community at Gaffa Creative Precinct. Their studios will be unlocked and workshops open the public. The open studios provides an opportunity to discuss their practices and engage in further discussions surrounding their experiences. Made By’s documentaries and event seeks to provide an accessible insight into Gaffa Creative Precinct’s Jewellery community dedicated to hand-made craft and design.