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Space and Silence

Alicia Douglas
Inspired by travels to the Scottish Highlands, SPACE & SILENCE explores the vast, quiet & isolated landscapes of the region. It is a reflection of the visual experience combined with an emotional response, to an environment so overwhelming in its scale and tranquility.


SPACE AND SILENCE will represent the moments of serenity through a series of landscape based oil paintings. Drawing upon memories, plein air sketches and photographs as inspiration,  the works consist of multiple images all the same height that run the perimeter of the gallery walls. Although they are created from all different viewpoints and locations, they suggest a 360 degree view of a seemingly continuous vista. This encourages the viewer to be immersed in the experience of the suggested panorama and a taste of what it is like travelling through this region of Scotland.

SPACE AND SILENCE will represent the moments of serenity through a series of landscape based oil paintings. Drawing upon memories, plein air sketches and photographs as inspiration,  the works consist of multiple images all the same height that run the perimeter of the gallery walls. Although they are created from all different viewpoints and locations, they suggest a 360 degree view of a seemingly continuous vista. This encourages the viewer to be immersed in the experience of the suggested panorama and a taste of what it is like travelling through this region of Scotland.


Alicia Douglas, Bealach Ba Na, 2018, Oil on Linen, 60.9 × 70.2 cm

Alicia Douglas, APPLECROSS, 2018, Oil on linen, 61 x 76 cm

Alicia Douglas, On the Ascent, 2018, Oil on Linen, 61 × 70.2 cm

Alicia Douglas, Timothy after Guerard, 2018, Oil on Linen, 61 ×70.2 cm

Alicia Douglas, Twin Trees on the lookout for Deer, 2018, Oil on Linen, 61 × 70.2 cm


Vendor Application
Exhibition Proposal
Gallery & Rooftop
Studio Workshop
Exhibition Archive