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She is here & She exists

Alexandra Kostic D.
She is here & She exists describes an imaginary circular path of the psychological pain relived out of ignorance, loneliness, and covert discrimination.


Most of my artworks are deep, personal interpretations of women’s emotional life, ignorance, betrayal, humiliation, responsibility, deformation, bleeding, sacrifice, belief, superstition, disappointment, etc. Were mostly initial steps in the completion of almost all of my projects. I used lots of different mediums to explain almost the same thematic from a different point of view. Photographs, drawings, cotton with seeds, installation and assemblage, smelly and nice soft soaps which become sculptures and when they are

together they are opposing the world so rife with vulgarity towards women.

I am a deeply introspective person and an objective observer of the society where I live in as an artist, a woman, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a cousin... trying to live with full open eyes, touching soul and lot of forgiveness and love.

Last year I worked with shapes of nature, seeds from the beach where I come for contemplation. Comparing the shape with a woman's vagina,describing the glories of

maternity, femininity and the idea of rebirth.

She is here & She exists describes an imaginary circular path of the psychological pain relived out of ignorance, loneliness, and covert discrimination. I'm using the circle to

represent the original perfection, the self, timelessness, and all cyclic movement. Every piece of resin in the installation has a seed inside and represents the moment when the emotional pain was born, like frozen moment of anxiety. Result will come from the time of forgiveness and the re-learning. Red strings are imaginary bloodline connecting with Universe reaching for a healing power in the name of endless.

Alexandra Kostic D is a Serbian born artist who lives and works in Cairns. She graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts, followed by her postgraduate degree at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Her studies included academic and classical art education with theory. Her works went from classical painting and drawing, nude and life active drawing onto her favorite old graphic method of printing - Lithography. After University she starts to work in various media, mixing her knowledge of classic art techniques with new and mix medium.

She worked with light installation, photographic and video art. Her main inspiration comes from urban city nightlife.

Upon her arrival to Australia Alexandra immediately got fascinated by nature. It was love at first sight. After a couple of years working on abstract expressionism landscape paintings, she again comes back to mix-medium and all-natural materials. Alexandra is an expressive artist, she works directly on medium without any kind of preview. Her

expressionistic approach to the work describes her as an intuitive artist who is willing to directly expose her creative energy. "I never use preview for my work, for I instead rather transponder directly from my thoughts. I don't hesitate to use things that may catch my attention in everyday life; modifying them into my artistic interpretation. I enjoy working with different mediums because telling the same story in different words is a challenge of its own. I like to make an interactive concept that comes alive once placed in between my

exhibit works and visitors."

Most of my artworks are deep, personal interpretations of women’s emotional life, ignorance, betrayal, humiliation, responsibility, deformation, bleeding, sacrifice, belief, superstition, disappointment, etc. Were mostly initial steps in the completion of almost all of my projects. I used lots of different mediums to explain almost the same thematic from a different point of view. Photographs, drawings, cotton with seeds, installation and assemblage, smelly and nice soft soaps which become sculptures and when they are

together they are opposing the world so rife with vulgarity towards women.

I am a deeply introspective person and an objective observer of the society where I live in as an artist, a woman, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a cousin... trying to live with full open eyes, touching soul and lot of forgiveness and love.

Last year I worked with shapes of nature, seeds from the beach where I come for contemplation. Comparing the shape with a woman's vagina,describing the glories of

maternity, femininity and the idea of rebirth.

She is here & She exists describes an imaginary circular path of the psychological pain relived out of ignorance, loneliness, and covert discrimination. I'm using the circle to

represent the original perfection, the self, timelessness, and all cyclic movement. Every piece of resin in the installation has a seed inside and represents the moment when the emotional pain was born, like frozen moment of anxiety. Result will come from the time of forgiveness and the re-learning. Red strings are imaginary bloodline connecting with Universe reaching for a healing power in the name of endless.

Alexandra Kostic D is a Serbian born artist who lives and works in Cairns. She graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts, followed by her postgraduate degree at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Her studies included academic and classical art education with theory. Her works went from classical painting and drawing, nude and life active drawing onto her favorite old graphic method of printing - Lithography. After University she starts to work in various media, mixing her knowledge of classic art techniques with new and mix medium.

She worked with light installation, photographic and video art. Her main inspiration comes from urban city nightlife.

Upon her arrival to Australia Alexandra immediately got fascinated by nature. It was love at first sight. After a couple of years working on abstract expressionism landscape paintings, she again comes back to mix-medium and all-natural materials. Alexandra is an expressive artist, she works directly on medium without any kind of preview. Her

expressionistic approach to the work describes her as an intuitive artist who is willing to directly expose her creative energy. "I never use preview for my work, for I instead rather transponder directly from my thoughts. I don't hesitate to use things that may catch my attention in everyday life; modifying them into my artistic interpretation. I enjoy working with different mediums because telling the same story in different words is a challenge of its own. I like to make an interactive concept that comes alive once placed in between my

exhibit works and visitors."


Alexandra Kostic D, Wishing on a Star, 2019, mix medium-cotton wool with wax, 32 x 32 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, Strange Little Girl, 2019, mix medium-cotton wool with wax, 32 x 32 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, The Seeds of Love, 2019, mix medium-cotton wool with seed, 23 x 23 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, How Soon Is Now, 2019, cotton wool and seed installation on canvas, 61 x 92 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, Aromatic day, 2019, soap in cotton wool with mix medium, 9 x 9 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, Betray, 2019, photo, 50 x 28 cm
Alexandra Kostic D, Artist Statement, 2019, photo, 50 x 28 cm


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